At SureID, we love our Support team. I mean, really love them. Like, bring them coffee and donuts kind of love (gluten-free, of course – we are in Portland). They’re the best in the industry, and our customer surveys prove it (99% positive ratings to date!)
Of course, in an ideal world, our Support team would be invisible to you. You’d go to one of our locations, get your fingerprints done in 60 seconds, and be out the door and on your way. The reality, though, is a little messier; you may have worn fingerprints, or the registration station connection could be slow, or you may just hit the store on a particularly busy day or need assistance the associate can’t provide. That’s where our Support team comes in – to help you overcome any bumps in the road or navigate the confusing and sometimes challenging world of fingerprinting services.
Our Support team has been around since the beginning. A lot of its members have been fingerprint assistants in the past, and all of them have a wide variety of experience that includes technical support, user testing, documentation, and even writing blog posts like this one. Together, our Support team has helped thousands of customers complete their fingerprinting process, no matter how tricky the circumstances, and they’d love to help you, too!
So when should you reach out to our Support team? Here’s a few suggestions:
If you’re not sure if SureID is the right solution for you
Fingerprint and background screening requirements vary from state to state, organization to organization, and program to program. It can be tough to figure out on your own what organization to use for your fingerprinting need. If you’re short on time, go ahead and call us – we can walk you through our services and nudge you in the right direction if what we do doesn’t meet your needs.
If you think you’ll have trouble capturing your fingerprints
If the idea of getting fingerprinted fills you with dread – maybe because you know you have difficult fingerprints, or you’ve had a bad experience in the past – definitely give us a call. Our specialists are well trained in helping people with low print quality for whatever reason – arthritis, psoriasis, chemotherapy, or just plain hard-working hands. We can provide tips and tricks to help you prepare before you go to the fingerprinting station, and in some cases we can even provide live remote coaching while you’re taking your fingerprints.
If you’ve already had your fingerprints rejected
If you submitted prints that the FBI rejected, please call us before you try again. Whether your last submission was last week or a year ago, digital or ink-and-paper, we can provide coaching and guidance to improve your chances of avoiding another rejection.
If your registration is taking too long
If you’ve been trying to capture fingerprints for 10 minutes or you’re stuck on a finger, call us. Our team can take a look at your fingerprinting session, provide troubleshooting, and get your session back on track.
If you have something to say
We love hearing from customers! Your feedback and suggestions make our services better. Call or email us to let us know about your experience – the good, the bad, and even the ugly.
You can reach us at or call us at 844.787.3431. And though we hope you never have to call (except to tell us things were amazing), we look forward to hearing from you.
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