Each day, 360,000 babies enter the world. And they will all eventually need to establish identities to navigate myriad social interactions. Fortunately, digital identity is poised to become the future... read more →
Capturing really good fingerprints is an art. And like most good art, making it work is often experimental. The good news here, though, is that we’ve been experimenting for a... read more →
“Biometric fraud!” read one headline. “Fingerprints can be faked!” said another. This past week, such headlines reigned in the world of biometrics because of a research project, sponsored by NYU,... read more →
It’s voting season, which has us thinking. Voting is essential to a democracy, the way in which your voice is heard. But at the heart of it, voting is also... read more →
At SureID, we love our Support team. I mean, really love them. Like, bring them coffee and donuts kind of love (gluten-free, of course – we are in Portland). They’re... read more →
To this day, we haven’t had a customer tell us they were excited to get their fingerprints taken. It’s a chore, right? And even though we’ve made it as easy... read more →