Hello world travelers! Does the country you’re traveling to require a “Police report” (or something like it) that has gone through the “apostille” process? If so, read on – we’ll help you sort through what that means and what we can do to help.
Let’s start with the basics. If a country is asking for a police report or police clearance certificate, they likely mean your FBI background check. And if they say that it needs to go through the apostille process, they mean they want the document certified as authentic through a specific process outlined in the 1961 Hague Convention.
Sounds complicated, but it’s not.
For the first part, SureID can help! We can provide your FBI background check for travel purposes, and we can usually get it to you within 24 after receiving your request and your fingerprints.
For the second part – the apostille process – well, that’s a little more complicated. The Hague Convention set up rules for apostille (The French word for certification, by the way) that require two separate agencies to be involved: one to provide the background check, and another to certify that the check is authentic. Apostille agencies (usually the U.S. Department of State) serve as the apostille agency most of the time. They review the background check, ensure it isn’t falsified, and provide a certificate that proves its authenticity.
So, what to you need to do to get ready for your dream vacation?
1. Plan Ahead
Make sure you give yourself at least two weeks to make it through the process. You don’t want to run out of time!
2. Get your FBI Record
Request a copy of your FBI record at fingerprints.sureid.com. We will collect your information and fee, then direct you to the nearest SureID fingerprinting location to complete the process.
3. Send your FBI Record to an Apostille Service
While you’re waiting for your FBI record (which won’t be long; we usually get it to you in less than 24 hours):
- Find an apostille service near you. We can’t recommend any specific service, but we can say that Googling “apostille services near me” works pretty well.
- Work with that service to send your background check to them and pay for the service.
4. Have Fun!
Once the apostille service provides you with the required certification, take everything to the Embassy for your Visa. Then, you’re ready to travel!
If you haven’t picked a spot, might we recommend Tahiti? It’s a magical place.
Want to know more?
We know a lot about the process, but we’re not the authorities that define it. For more information on the apostille process, take a look at the U.S. government Travel.State.Gov website: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/legal/travel-legal-considerations/internl-judicial-asst/authentications-and-apostilles/apostille-requirements.html.
Have questions? Interested in the SureID solution? Reach out to us at 844-787-3431 or support@sureid.com, and we’ll get you the information you need.
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