Fingerprints are SureID’s thing. We provide the best network available and take pride in both our technology and our service. No other company out there can support you better through the process or get you the results more quickly.
We do, though, have some gaps in what we can provide.
Don’t take us wrong. We want to be your fingerprint service provider. But fingerprinting requirements vary by country, state, and even organization, and it’s not possible for one company to meet them all.
For example, SureID can provide you with a copy of your personal FBI record. However, we can’t provide you with a copy that you then turn over to a current or potential employer for actual employment purposes. Why? Because, if we give you a copy of your FBI record, it’s possible that you or someone else could alter it before it’s turned over to that employer, which means the report could be considered suspect.
Instead, there are separate processes that employers and/or organizations can use – with your permission – to ask for a copy of your record. We provide these copies for employers that are regulated by FINRA or have legal permissions to request a federal-level background check on candidates or employees.
In summary:
We can provide you as an individual with a copy of your federal-level background check record for personal use.
We can provide employers (with legal permissions to request a federal-level background check) with a copy of your record for employment.
Make sense?
We know; it’s confusing. And this is just one example in a sea of dozens, maybe hundreds. Still, when a person is voluntarily sharing information as personal as fingerprints, it’s important that organizations and governments regulate how that information is collected and what can be done with it. We abide by all these regulations – and that means that we can’t serve every fingerprinting need out there.
So – do you need to get your fingerprints taken and don’t know if we can help? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions; they might tell you. You can also reach out to our Support team to see what we can do. And if we don’t yet offer fingerprints for a service you want, let us know so we can research it – maybe we can offer it in the future! We’re constantly expanding our services as we work to transform the fingerprinting industry, one print at a time.
Got questions or recommendations? Want to hear about other fingerprinting options on our blog? Reach out to our top-notch Support team at or 844.787.3431. We look forward to hearing from you!
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